Volume turned parts worth considering?

We are proud of the fact that we are known throughout our customer base as being a high quality producer of high precision CNC machined parts manufactured in small to medium batch sizes. We manufacture thousands of different bespoke parts for our broad customer base which supports numerous hi-tec industries.

Producing the small volume and complicated CNC machined parts which take a lot of engineering has been our forte. Assisted by utilising EdgeCAM for the planning and programming together with full inspection on CNC controlled CMM measuring machines and we have created a formulae which works.

So you would be forgiven for not considering us for your volume turned parts requirements, and to be honest we haven’t really shouted about it – until now!

We have a Star SR-20J type C sliding head lathe, a state of the art multi function lathe with unbeatable capabilities. A total of up to 30 cutting tools are available including 14 power-driven tools for cross drilling, milling, slotting and angular hole machining. The new 2 position deep drilling station allows drilled holes up to 10mm diameter by 100mm deep to be carried out on the main spindle.

We bought the machine to produce medical surgical devices together with titanium pins for an aerospace application. The deployment of the Star in manufacturing these parts has seen a considerable increase in production efficiency and quality reliability.

As the Star is a true piece of automated production equipment we can also run “lights out” to reduce labour costs.

So there you go, we can be as competitive as companies who specialise in volume turned parts and have the best equipment to boot.

Bet you didn’t know that?